Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) is the registry for .ca domain names.
Domain names can be up to 63 characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except as the first or last characters of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & and #.
Features | Availability | |
Registration length | 1 - 10 years | |
Renewal length | 1 - 10 years | |
Transfers to | Supported (details below Transfers away | Supported |
Private Registration | Supported (details below Account change | Supported |
IDNs | é, ë, ê, è, â, à, æ, ô, œ, ù, û, ü, ç, î, ï and ÿ |
Note: CIRA periodically audits domain names to ensure they conform to eligibility requirements. If CIRA cannot confirm the new registrant's eligibility status, CIRA might request information from you to prove your eligibility. You must send them the requested information within the specified time frame to avoid deactivation of your .ca domain names.
See Registering a .CA domain for details about who can register .ca domains and how.
Note: CIRA restricts domains from transfer for the first 65 days of registration.
If the domain name expired, you have 30 days from the expiration date to transfer it to us. To transfer a .ca domain name to us within that 30-day expiration grace period, contact our Support department for assistance.
CIRA automatically applies its own private registration to new .ca domain names. Specifically, CIRA limits the personal information that displays in the Whois database for the following legal types:
If you registered a .ca domain name as an individual registrant, you can contact our support department to cancel or re-add private registration.
All contact updates can be submitted through your account, including the Canadian Legal Type.
To update the Canadian Legal Type, you will need to complete the following steps:
Note: Review the section above for details on Private RegistrationRecovering expired domain names for instructions.
For details on refunds, please visit ITEGY's Refund Policy page.
Most domains will follow the Standard Terms, but certain domains will have exceptions or may not be refundable at all. Look under BOTH of the following categories:
You can have a maximum of six nameservers per .ca domain name. Each nameserver must have a unique IP address.
Only one IPv4 address and only one IPv6 address allowed per host.
Once your .CA nameservers have been registered, you can add them to your .CA domain name. To add custom nameservers to your domain name, you will need to set the host name and IP addresses for each nameserver. Then you can assign the nameservers to your domain name.
All .ca registrants must pay the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and might need to pay Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), which is GST and the Provincial Sales Tax (PST).
For disputes with .CA domains, please see Dispute resolution process for .CA domains.